3 August 2018– Oscar Gonzalez is photographed at FNB Wintergarden.

Oscar Gonzalez

Vice President, Healthcare Banking
Corporate Banking

Oscar Gonzalez

Oscar acts as the Vice President of Healthcare Banking at First National Bank. In his position, he helps healthcare providers with the financial guidance necessary to build new facilities, manage cash flow, and automate billings and payments. He enjoys working with a rapidly-changing industry and the opportunity it provides to positively impact the lives of others.


Oscar began his career with First National Bank of Omaha in 2007. In 2008, he was appointed as Vice President of Commercial Lending, before moving into Healthcare Banking. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from ITAM in Mexico City, as well as several advanced degrees, including a master’s degree in Banking and Finance from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona Spain and a Masters of Business Administration from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. He currently enjoys affiliations with the Nebraska Healthcare Association and Healthcare Financial Management Association.


There is nothing that pleases Oscar more than watching his children grow toward adulthood. He also enjoys the enrichment that comes from exploring new cultures through travel and is an international soccer aficionado.