Community NewsroomApr 26 2021
Press Release
Release Date: April 26, 2021
FNBO Donates $100,000 to Mid-Plains Community College
OMAHA, Neb. Apr 26, 2021—First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO) has donated $100,000 to Mid-Plains Community College and the expansion of its North Platte Community College’s Health and Science Center. The expansion will allow for additional enrollments in the college's health care programs and provide support to students in Western Nebraska pursuing careers in health care.
The Health and Science Center is home to the college’s nursing, medical laboratory technician, emergency medical services, paramedic, dental assisting, math, biology, physics and engineering programs. The planned expansion of the building will include additional nursing classrooms, lab space for nursing and emergency services, more faculty office space, conference rooms, private student workspaces and a “virtual innovation” lab.
Construction is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2022. The total cost of the project is expected to be nearly $4 million. FNBO made a $250,000 donation in 2011 toward the initial construction of the Health and Science Center.
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