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      Customer Stories
      Aug 02 2021

Customers of FNBO—Joan of Arc Welding’s Story

FNBO is proud to feature Joan of Arc Welding in Platteville, Colorado. We spoke with owner Ashley Honeyman to learn more about how she started her business.

“I got into welding in high school because I needed elective credits and I felt comfortable around tools. It didn't matter if I was a girl — I just thought it was amazing. The sparks and the heat, I thought it was the coolest process.”

But the fascination with welding didn’t stop after high school. After about a year and a half of working at a steel company as an employee, Honeyman realized she had a real passion for metalworking — a passion that could become its own enterprise.

“I was welding and fabricating and I'd get all of these ideas, and I realized people weren't always stoked about my ideas like I was. I felt like I was one of the only people having those out-of-the-box, exciting ideas. This made me realize I could own my own business. I care a lot and I'm putting a lot of effort into it, not just getting my paycheck and going home.”

In 2007, Joan of Arc Welding was born.

Since its founding, Joan of Arc Welding has completed hundreds of structural, residential and commercial welding projects. When asked what contributed to the company’s success, Honeyman credited the determination and drive that helped her start the business in the first place, as well as the relationships she’s built with clients.

“Having a positive attitude and being prideful in our work is what has helped us grow — putting out a good product and getting people to trust my name.”

Just like Honeyman understands the importance of strong, positive client relationships in her own business, she wanted a banking partner that was committed to customer service. After applying for a loan with another financial institution and having a poor experience, she began looking for a new bank.

When Honeyman met with FNBO Community Banking Director Erica Herman, she knew she’d found the right fit.

"Someone recommended FNBO and Erica Herman came down to our business and sat down with us. She took time to get to know us, how I think about business and finances, and I thought that was very valuable. I'm so very thankful for FNBO — it was one of the best moves we've ever made.”

Interested in banking with FNBO for your small business? Learn more.


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