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Relocating? 5 Tips to Ease Your Transition

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      Feb 15 2022

Relocating? 5 Tips to Ease Your Transition

Whether you’ve just received a job offer in a new state or the house of your dreams is on the market in a nearby town, you’re going to embark on an exciting experience. Relocating opens the door to new adventure and sometimes, present unexpected challenges. It’s important to be aware so you can prepare!

First, are the emotional ties you will need to consider. How much will you miss the comfort of familiar surroundings, and how will you stay connected with those you’re leaving behind?  

Then, there are the hard costs. The American Moving and Storage Association calculates expenses for an out-of-state move to be around $4,300. And, if you think you will save big just moving to the next town over, guess again. The cost of in-state move can also rack up the charges, coming in around $2,300 to transport your belongings.

You may also face higher housing costs. The price of the median home in Oklahoma in 2021 was just over $131,000. However, median home costs come in at more than $151,000 for states such as Kansas, and skyrocket to $300,000 in places like Colorado.

To ease your concerns, here are a few tips for getting started and settling in, no matter the size of your budget or your relocation destination.

1. Ask for Assistance

If you are moving due to a job change, be sure to ask your new employer if they offer any type of relocation assistance. This can include a stipend to help cover the costs of the move and getting settled into your new place, the entire move, or more!

2. Start a Packing Timeline

Packing for a move is one of the biggest relocation tasks, so it’s important to take an organized approach. If you are not in a rush, start a few weeks early by writing down your plan of attack. The more organized you are, the less money you’ll be tempted to spend on the purchase of impulse items you think will make the move more convenient.

3. Keep an “Open First” Box

When packing, give thought to the items you’ll need (or want) as soon as you get to your new home. Maybe it’s simply your coffee maker and mugs, but don’t forget other essentials such as toothpaste, toilet paper, towels, and possibly toys to keep the kids busy. Put these things in a separate box and mark it so it’s easy to locate when you arrive.

4. Ditch the Junk

Moving provides a golden opportunity to clear out the stuff that tends to accumulate over the years. When packing, keep a junk and garage sale box close by. While you’re boxing up your keepers, you’ll easily be able to sort your junk and give-away items into their proper boxes and even save some money as you avoid moving things you no longer need.

5. Get Several Quotes from Moving Companies

If you decide to have a moving company move your stuff, be sure you get multiple estimates and check reviews before making a decision. You want affordability, of course, but you also want reliability. There’s nothing worse than getting to your destination and having to wonder why your mover didn’t make it on time.

Additional Tips for Moving Out of State

If you’re moving out of state, you’re likely leaving friends and family behind, as well as the familiarity of your day-to-day living. To ease the transition of moving to new location and culture, consider the following additional tips:

  • For your first 6 months, stay somewhere comfortable. If you are in a city that’s new to you, it may be strange and unfamiliar. You don’t know the good neighborhoods from the bad or the secret side streets for getting places faster. As you adjust, it’s important to feel safe and comfortable with your surroundings. For some, that means splurging on a temporary apartment in a pricey area or staying with a friend or relative until you learn the lay of the land.
  • Say yes to social opportunities. You’ll need at least one or two of the following in your new location: friends, a job and maybe a boyfriend/ girlfriend. You won’t find them by sitting at home and ordering delivery. Remind yourself that it may enrich your life to open up your horizons and accept invitations from the new acquaintances you meet.
  • Also, consider asking friends in your current city if they know anyone who lives close to where you’re going. Another option is to look through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media channels to see in anyone in your network lives in your new town.
  • Join organized groups. From nonprofit volunteering to pickle ball leagues, there are bound to be organized activities in your new town that will help you meet new people with similar interests. Also, don’t be afraid to try something new. Even if you’re a beginner, you might find a connection with someone else who is also starting out. You feel awkward, they feel awkward, whoot! You’ve got a new friend.
  • Give yourself a year to acclimate. Anytime you question your decision to relocate—and it will happen—remind yourself that your life is still in transition. Moving is hard, so give yourself at least a year before making an impulsive judgement about the move you’ve made.
  • Remember your friends and former network! While you’re out exploring a new city and learning new things, don’t forget about those you left behind. While your family and old pals are enjoying their same daily routine, they’re probably missing you. Again, your social channels are a great way to stay connected and it takes very little time. They’ll feel like they are a part of your new adventure and who knows, someone may even join you!

The articles in this blog are for informational purposes only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations. When making decisions about your financial situation, consult a financial professional for advice. Articles are not regularly updated, and information may become outdated.