
Long-Term Dedication in Family-Owned Agribusinesses

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    • Stacey Cole

      Vice President, Agribusiness Banking
      Jan 08 2020

Long-Term Dedication in Family-Owned Agribusinesses

At FNBO, we know that family-owned operations are the backbone of the agribusiness industry. In fact, almost 96 percent of farms in the U.S. are family farms.

After years of working with family-owned agribusinesses and coming from a family-owned operation myself, I can share first-hand that they are extremely passionate about their work because they are striving to improve their operation for the next generation. Family-owned agribusinesses always have future generations in mind, which means they are good stewards of resources and have a long-term view in the management of their operation. Technology and innovation are also at the forefront of their minds due to its power to streamline business and help conserve resources.

Having a long-term view is something we’re familiar with at FNBO. Not only have we been family owned for six generations, but we’ve been serving the agribusiness industry since 1857, when we were trading in buffalo hides and gold dust. We know in agribusiness it’s not just the months or quarters that matter, its years, decades, and generations. As agribusinesses work towards success for generations to come, FNBO takes great pride in being a trusted advisor to current and future generations.

FNBO is proud to have served agribusiness since 1857. Our knowledge and experience allow us to offer innovative agribusiness and financial solutions, whether your business is beef, pork, grain, ag-supply, processing, or any other facet of the industry.

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About the Author

Stacey has worked at FNBO since 2006. She grew up on a diversified family agricultural operation in northeast Nebraska. After graduating from Creighton University with her MBA, she joined the Executive Development Program at the Bank. Stacey then returned to her agricultural roots by joining the FNBO’s Agribusiness Banking team, where she works with ag producers in cattle, swine, grain, feed, food processing, and other agribusiness sectors.

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